Friday, March 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Mia

This week marks Amelia’s fourth birthday and it is off to a great start. The day before her birthday she was treated to a party at her school. The whole thing was a bit of a surprise for us. When we arrived at school in the morning we were met by five kids who gave Mia presents and then four older kids (they must have been 10 – I mean OLD kids) sang Happy Birthday. Mia was a bit surprised and spent the entire time hanging onto my neck whispering, “What are they doing?” I think she was excited, if surprised, and it was great to see the student body of Colegio San Andres reach out to Mia. She didn’t know what to do, but it was pretty cool for me to see. And, the birthday party was only starting. At snack time I showed up with a cake and juice boxes for Mia’s class. Her class sang Happy Birthday in English and then in Spanish and finally a group of girls from the classroom next door sang it in Italian. The festivities continued into clase de musica where we wore big foam hats. All in all, the kids probably sang Happy Birthday 12 times (and each time better than the time before). You can see the photos

To top of the day we had dinner at one of Mia’s favorite places – El Planque. I will write some more about El Planque later, but suffice it to say that Mia loves the Papas Fritas and Jamon y Queso Empanadas. So, I helped her eat two or three orders of each. So much for the diet, but how many times does your kid turn four? I guess that depends on how many kids you have.

Good night to all.


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